Monday, January 22, 2007

Roller coaster of 2 days life......


After 2 days of ups and downs...

My dad shared stories with me... I realise that people around me are so scary. People whom I thought I can always relied on are actually people whom I cannot trust. Relatives whom I thought were nice are actually hypocrites.

However, there are alway times when you are in deep trouble and there are people who are ready to help you. The help is not much but still, the thoughts counts. The moral support there have already help me win 65% of the battle. Be brave and move on.

I must really thank to those people who were with me when I'm down. I hope I'm not causing too much inconvenience to you. But people, thanks a lot to you!!! Love you guys.

Thanks to Brother David... Hehe...paisay to bother you first... Huiling, thanks for the support.... And not to forget Kak Ain and Miss Nurul... who were there first hand.... MUACKS!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Finally Ms AH-TAN made me sign up a blog. So I'll start using lah. Anyway, it's MsKehHateChildren. Hehe, Funny name, but I like.

I think people use blog to complain, I will do it also lah. I will use it to do it like a diary and stuffs which I want people to know.