Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Sad sad sad...

After all the practising for the bowling, all my efforts are in vain. I thought I would score well in the bowling tournament but turn out (SO SAD) so low result. I think bowling had been one of the activity that I have more confident in (other than volleyball and badminton). But I guess that if I have more expectations, I will lose out more things.

Though my centre had won the first prize, I still feel bad about the whole incident. I had never got such a low score before. Is it that stress in me? Or is it that bad incident is getting more in me? Or am I just too over confident?

Ah Keh ah... You very troublesome leh. How???

1 comment:

ïabaf said...

my dear, there's nothing wrong with your skills... blame the ball, the lane, the aircon... hahaha... you will feel better! those national bowlers also do that what... normally they say the lane are the ones making them lose their normal standard so if professionals are saying so then y should we worry when we are just playing for fun neh? hehe...